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Gesture dances throughout, giving each event a distinctive look and movement. A commanding image hangs over the undulating sweep of the stage: great spikes of thread start from one side on the other is a woven cloth in the middle, a half-made fabric – is it unravelling or being created?Ī soft drumming and distant hum rise and fall the tread of the action is soft, and the more terrible when it culminates in violence. The palette is gentle: dun and sandy brown. Rajha Shakiry (set and costumes), Alexander Caplen, Siddharta Khosla and David Shrubsole (sound) and Oliver Fenwick (lighting) together create a transporting, engrossing design.

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Saraf is direct, idiosyncratic, personal, but appears against a huge panorama a sense of multititudes is conjured without resort to a pantomime crowd. It is extraordinary how immediate and yet how large the effects are. The tread of the action is soft, and the more terrible when it culminates in violence

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He fell under the spell of the Hindu nationalist Vinayak Savarkar, embodied by Sagar Arya as an adamantine figure whose voice resounds like the clap of doom. When young, he was thought to be endowed with prophetic powers, consulted as an oracle.

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Godse was brought up as a girl for the first years of his life, his Brahmin parents believing their male babies were fatally doomed.

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